Welcome to Cove Group, thank you for taking the time to delve this far into our World.
Welcome to Cove Group, thank you for taking the time to delve this far into our World.
Let introduce myself and share what makes me tick and motivates me each and every day.
I’m an entrepreneur, businessman, innovative marketer, a serious salesperson, and a passionate advocate for positively disruptive thinking. I love every aspect of business, achieving my own goals and helping others to fulfil theirs. For me, business is not work or my job it’s a lifestyle, one that I enjoy immensely.
As CEO of Cove Group, I oversee the strategic development and growth of businesses within the group, which encompasses leisure, tourism, events, property, technology and health.
I have started, developed, run and sold businesses. Getting it beautifully right, horribly wrong, and lots in between. From a bank account with just £1.57 in it, to multi £million deals. I’m a true entrepreneur who’s far from afraid of making – and celebrating – my mistakes.

“The journey of an entrepreneur stands out as one of life’s most exhilarating, challenging, and rewarding adventures. It's a road filled with highs and lows, with moments of utter despair followed by sheer ecstasy.”